
Yellow Horizon

A sensory experience of the anonymous


methods: Stimulating the Senses2 Ascending, Descending3 Disorientation4 Breath7



    Yellow Horizon is a sensory theatre experience.
    Physically disorienting, resembling a ritual, an opportunity to sharpen your senses and discover a new sensitivity, a new horizon. In collaboration with Theun Mosk – Ruimtetijd.

    A sensory experience of the anonymous

    “When the familiar way you perceive the world momentarily disappears, space opens up for new perspectives, possibilities, or solutions. It may be uncomfortable to have no grip, but in the intangibility lies a wealth of possibilities.”

    Annemijn Rijk

    We experience the world through our senses: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hands. Each of us has our own set, forming our own variant of the same world. How we perceive the world, in turn, shapes our identity. How do we relate to our environment? And how does that environment change us?

    For “Yellow Horizon,” choreographer and philosopher Annemijn Rijk, in collaboration with scenographer Theun Mosk, explored the principles of spatial, sensory, and physical disorientation. Yellow Horizon is not a traditional performance but an experience, a ritual, that makes your senses tremble. Everything comes straight to you. By playing with light and darkness, breath and perspective, the theater hall is being transformed. This sharpens your senses, and you perceive the world differently than you’re accustomed to. Dancer Noemi Calzavara, mime player Niels van Heijningen, and actress Sofie Porro are your guides in this free fall.

    We delve deep within, not by deep thinking, but by momentarily setting aside the usual way we understand, interpret, or appropriate the world. What remains when reason fades away, and only the body remains? Yellow Horizon shakes up our senses and, in doing so, our idea of ourselves. Deep within, there is a whole new world to discover, a new horizon.

    For current performance dates, check the agenda.
    Interested in showing Yellow Horizon? Please contact us.

    Scenography for Yellow Horizon


    Concept, choreography Annemijn Rijk – Scenographer Theun Mosk / Ruimtetijd – Performers Sofie Porro, Niels van Heijningen, Noemi Calzavara – Music Aura Bouw – Costume design Annemarije van Harten – Creative technical developer Cas Dekker- Light assistant Jurre Popping – Stage design construction Merijn Versnel- Research & designteam Floren Bloch, Rients Dijkstra, Marieke Horst, Shayna Cornelisse Technician Paul Vliets – Business management Laura de Vos – Graphic designer Tessa Meeus – Production Danielle Pater

    Made with financial support of
    Het Fonds Podiumkunsten, Gemeente Breda, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Chassé Theater, Chassé Cultuurfonds, Theater de Nieuwe Vorst, BNG Cultuurfonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Noord-Brabant.

    And with special thanks to Schweigman&